Thursday, January 26, 2012

The scarf vest

This scarf was given to me as a present from Ate Malou in Dubai during one of my visits in UAE.  I was cleaning my closet when I came across it and I really haven't had a chance to wear it.  I remembered the idea of wearing a scarf as a vest that I saw in some online video a few months ago, so I tried it...and this is the look I came up with.  Who knew scarves are this much fun?!?!

Cordilleran Colors

found a woven cloth in the garage in a plastic bag with my brother's name on it...maybe it was a gift to him?  it was long, maybe 12 ft or so...

tried wearing it, came up with at least 3 ways to wear it...

This type of weaving is typically found in the Mountain Provinces of the Philippines...

From the boldness of the colors, lines, and patterns, I'd say the cloth was inspired by the feathers of fighting fowls...

Friday, January 20, 2012

A very crappy day

I wanna write but I just feel like crap and my stomach has been all weird on me, and now I have this big headache again...I tried goin' out earlier and it was pourin' like crazy... and it made me feel more sick.. so that really sux..