Tuesday, November 1, 2011


No really, i don't want to be sorry for myself, though my eye is rotting ahead of the rest of my body I don't want to think of myself as someone less or impaired...don't want to think about it as a result of being evil. Sometimes horrible things happen to people and other people will say that's karma for being so evil. If this is true I cannot think of anything evil done by the kids in Kara David's Mga Anak ng Datalnay...I mean, they are too young! I think life is worse as it is and whoever thinks that people deserve to be impaired or be sick is just plain evil.

So I went back to work, and people couldn't tell...and the people who knew forgot about it, until somebody called the station and then they found out and cannot believe at what I have. Though they may be teary-eyed, I cannot cry because I know crying can increase intraocular pressure and I left my eyedrops at home ('cuz boy those do give me headaches)... i tell my story, and after the commotion, life goes on.

Every now and then my eye still hurts, and my heart....my heart continues to glow with hope...
"Sick and yet happy, in peril and yet happy, dying and yet happy, in exile and happy, in disgrace and happy." --Epictetus