Friday, November 11, 2011

eleventh day of the eleventh month of the eleventh year

because today is the 11th day of the 11th month of the 11th year, everybody says that today is a lucky day. A lot of people bought lottery tickets. A lot of people got married. A lot of people gambled. Certainly, a chance of luck at a draw can be life-changing.

Instead of doing the above, I went to my ophthalmologist for my check-up. My eyes were anesthetized, checked for pressures, checked for changes in peripheral vision. Eyes dilated, pictures taken. The eye drops burn. The flashes of light hurt my eyes and gave me a headache. I wondered how my eyes are. Am I getting better, or am I down the path of blindness? The anxiety is sky-high.

The Md explained to me the photos... my nerves remain unscathed... I cannot explain the relief as I looked at be honest I wanted to cry right then and there.

My profession demands me to provide care to people and when emergencies happen it is expected of me to respond to them...sometimes I feel like a robot. To be able to respond to my own emergency, and see my optic nerves intact was a chance to see myself as someone who can actually make a difference.

And if there is anything luckier that could happen to me at this day on the 11th of the 11th of the 11th, I think I already hit the jackpot. And am grateful for that.

laundry on the creek. Philippine life 2011.